Jerry Hsu - The Beautiful Flower Is The World - 2nd Edition


Jerry Hsu (Los Angeles, USA)
The Beautiful Flower Is The World - 2nd Edition

Published by Anthology Editions
17 x 25 cm
288 pages

Legendary skateboarder and artist Jerry Hsu started his blog Nazi Gold in 2009 as a repository for the cell phone photos he’d been collecting alongside his more traditional photography and film practices: shots of friends and strangers, roadside curiosities, and anything else that seemed to merit instant sharing with both peers and the public. In the ensuing years, the site grew from an exercise in visual note-taking into a uniquely hysterical embodiment of both Hsu’s keen artistic sense and his razor-sharp wit. Documenting his journeys through the high and low trappings of our culture, Hsu’s work captures everything from bootleg t-shirts and bathroom stall graffiti to unexpected truths and the occasional startling moment of humanity. An unerringly creative and endlessly clever chronicle of the deep ironies of our modern world, The Beautiful Flower Is the World collects the best of Hsu’s blog photography into a compelling and immersive whole.

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