Childhood Intelligence

The world of "Childhood Intelligence," an entity established in Berlin, Germany (2017). With the essence revolving around the curious spirit of imagination and instinctive innovation. At the heart of our philosophy lies the creation of music, a pursuit that has organically evolved into diverse realms and genres such as Art, Apparel, Publications, Farming, Cooking, and beyond...

"Childhood Intelligence" symbolises the ceaseless, unshaped matter that evolves over time, seeking for knowledge and exploration. A dynamic force that represents a global family of artists, defying all constraints with a discography representing composers like Marco Repetto (Grauzone)Dan PiuSTATION ROSEScannerThe NightstalkerDark MatrixADSRZoe aka. Dj FuckoffEisentanz aka. Xc-NKind Des Geistes, and a variety of other musicians from planet earth all linked through their Klangkreation. The interlink of music & art has been of essence to the project, collaborating with artists/graphic designers/ illustrators to create wondrous objects cultivating and preserving culture.

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